Saturday, December 02, 2006

Getting back in the swing of things

Finishing a triathlon was a great feeling, followed, of course by a major let-down and a decrease in my training (why???) But I've just set a new goal - complete a 1/2 marathon in May. My training will soon begin and I can get back on the road to seeking fitness and sanity. I find that the more I exercise, the saner I feel. Endorphins are probably the best anti-depressant around. God's choice of chemical?? Scared about the 1/2 only because of my age and injury potential. But, if I do everything "by the book", it should work out, right? And help me shed the weight, which ironically, I didn't manage to do during the tri!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Back in the Pink

So long since my last post, but much has changed. After being sidelined with my broken foot for several months this winter, I resumed my training and had my Team in Training account transferred from Wildflower to the Dave Scott Texas Man Triathlon in Dallas on September 17th!! I'm now into my fourth week following the training schedule, and all is well. The swimming finally "clicked" for me and I find that I love it now that I figured out how to breathe. Funny thing, air... Biking is going great, as I bought a beautiful new Trek that fits me perfectly. My rides are smooth and fun, though I know I'll have to work on speed at some point! The team is much smaller than the Wildflower team, I think we only have 5 people. But, my good friend Amy is on the team and my other good friend Karen is our swim coach, so that helps quite a bit. I love doing this with friends!!

Friday, January 06, 2006

Pink is feeling BLUE...

On Monday of this week, as I was completing an awesome workout focused on weights and core exercises, I fell and twisted my ankle. As I was going down, I heard and felt a distinct "snap". Laying on the ground, trying to get up - I realized my knee was HURTING!!! Left ankle, right knee... turns out that the ankle is fractured in two spots and the knee is badly twisted. So, what does the orthopedic say when I tell him I'm training for a triathlon?? "Oh no you're not!!" I'm to sit on my couch with my legs up for the next three weeks (while my children turn into beasts and rule the house???) Training is supposedly out for 8 weeks, but I'll get a review in 3 weeks. Needless to say, I'm beyond frustrated. But, at this point - I am not giving up!! I'll see what they say and see what I might be able to do in the remaining time. Let's hope I can train again soon.